Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Student in practical
Examiner: C the bird leg & tell its name
Stud:i dont know.
Exmr: u r failed. Wats ur name?
Stud: C my leg &tell. Students rocks.


Silent in face may avoid many problems..
smile in face may solve all the problems.
So always have a sweet,
smile.. dear.


The Biggest Suspense of Life is :
"We Know for Whom We are Living...."
"But We Never Know, Who is Living for Us.."

Far or near                   
u r my dear..

Young or old
u r my gold..

East or west
u r my best..

Ugly or cute
u r my sweet..

Start or End
u r my FRIEND.


Every problem is like a big door.  
Surely there is a solution like a 
small key which can open it easily.
Find the key.
Life is simple.
Live it beautiful!!!