On the other hand, Jessica is always late, always fart, still dumb as a box of mall hair, do not know what they're doing or where to go, and they do not even know that Nicole is there making jokes and making fun of fat in him.
It was an interesting story, and really I have no problem buying the dynamic between two women. Now Us Weekly seems to be confirmation that there are definitely problems between Nicole and Jess:
Two blonde former reality star turned fashion not seen in the eyes? What to expect?
Nicole Richie and Jessica Simpson are mentors Fashion Star, a reality competition for fashion designers aspiring season debut on NBC. But a source says the new Us Weekly - the media now - that there is "some friction" between the two women.
"I only talk if needed, and have completely different opinions on style," adds the source.
Richie, 29, "Jessica thinks that is just an eye for high fashion" and "making sarcastic comments about Jessica's clothes," says a source.
But Simpson, 31, no excavation is managed by Richie. She "does not care what Nicole is thinking," says an insider. After all, Simpson fashion empire had $ 750 million in revenue in 2010, while Richie drawn lines in an estimated $ 10,000,000.
"Nicole can understand the trends, but Jessica thinks he knows how to make clothes for all women," says a source. However, experts point out that women are "getting along with them, and depend on the whole."
[From Us Weekly]
Hmm ... I do not think Jessica's style is so great, but sometimes I like things to be used. On the other hand, almost always hate that Nicole has. He is still doing this shit is so bohemian Sienna Miller and around 2004, when Nicole tried to go glam, it's almost always cheaper and in the process of the future.
Frankly, none of them has to evaluate all fashion companies, but I give Jessica more than one step because their clothing lines are so successful, while House of Harlow 1970 Nicole fucking vomit.
By the way, Jessica has denied the story, In Touch Weekly was born in a few weeks ago about the possibility that they may undergo breast reduction before her marriage. Jessica Twitter their ideas: